Friday, March 27, 2009

Be Considerate...Be Aware...Be Present!

I am going to steer off path for a second and blog about something not fashion related. 

I made a list of character traits I want to embody.  The more I observe those around me, the more I am blown away by how people treat each other. It is amazing and not in a good way!

Furthermore, I started thinking about my future niece and the lessons I would like her to ponder and reflect on: 

Be considerate, think about how your actions are going to impact others.

Be aware, alert and on top of the ball. I understand everyone is busy and I am NOT a proponent of being glued to your phone. But there is a difference between being extremely busy and just dropping off the face of the earth and then expecting instant feed-back once you make your re-appearance. Live your life, but realize the consequences of the choices you make. They are your choices, but no action is without a reaction. If you take months to make contact, then don't be impatient when others take their time as well!

Be present. Be in the moment. It kills me to go to dinner and have everyone put their phones on the table as if their phones were part of the table setting. Unless it is an emergency, put your phone away and be part of the moment. If you are really so anxious to be in communication with whomever is calling, go have dinner with them and don't waste my time. I want to catch up with you, not listen to your phone call to someone who is not with us!

Don't act entitled. Earn your keep and pay your dues, we all have to. And the fruits of your labor are much more rewarding than if you just take because you assume you are entitled to it. The audacity of it all is unflattering. 

Don't judge, you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors or how a person got to be where they are. We all have our own life-story that is unfolding and no one story is the same. 

Don't assume. Take the time to find out and verify the facts before plunging forward and just thinking you have it all figured out. 

Realize that your best intentions may not always be right for the person in consideration. And it's more than okay to let that person make decisions that are not in line with how you would do things. 

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