Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I am total people-person and on my Meyers Briggs test I am a solid "E" for extrovert. Over the years however, I have seen friends go, I have left friends go, and I have learned that sometimes people will only make a brief appearance in your life and they were only meant to be there for a season.

It's okay to walk away from a relationship that is no longer healthy or beneficial, we were probably meant to learn from that situation and then go onto other bigger and better things. Whenever I have let go of the toxic, the negative, or the frustrating, I am blessed ten-fold by even more amazing friends and people.

It has not always been easy for me. I have had things happen to me where I was completely and utterly frustrated by another person's actions. The quality of our life is directly effected by the people we surround ourselves with, the projects we tackle, the books we read, and where we focus our energy. You can't grow and become great if all your energy is consumed by bad relationships and negative energy. You need people who are going to inspire you to be better, to strive for more, and to encourage you to move forward vs. just being stagnant & existing.

The bottom line is that people are what matter the most in this very short stint we have on earth. But their role may be for only one scene in your play. Sometimes they will make an appearance, an impression, or link up beside you for the long haul.

I am thankful for all the amazing, wonderful people currently in my life. And I look back behind me and I smile from all that I have learned, there were times friends have totally drained me, and at other times they have made my blood boil, but I have grown from those situations and it has made me 1000x more thankful for the good and the wonderful that are currently in my life!!!!!

Sometimes you have to say "Goodbye" in order to say "Hello" to the truly spectacular.

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